Damage of Fuel Rod Cladding at Temelín NPP

On 7 May 2009 at 10:50 a.m., at Unit 2 which is currently at planned outage for refueling, a damage of a fuel rod cladding occurred while repairing fuel assembly BE24 at a mobile stand for inspection and repairs. Consequently, works at the stand for inspection and repairs and in the containment were interrupted.

First measurements and evaluations in containment as well as in releases confirmed no indication of activity increases. The event was evaluated as emergency event level 1. A special investigation team was created to define corrective measures follow the event. This team proposed necessary steps to get damaged fuel rod to safe storage cask and the damaged fuel assembly under a hermetic seal.

This event was resolved by 8 May 2009 02:33 a.m. All activities were conducted in accordance with special operative programme and related standard working rules and procedures as well as under instructions of the special team created for investigation of the event.

No increase in activity in containment or outside was detected during and after the event. The event didn’t endanger the personnel of the NPP and had no impact on the outside environment. No radioactive substance was released or dispersed in containment. The event is preliminarily evaluated as INES 1.