Seminar about the Chemical Weapons Convention for Customs Administration

Seminar „Chemical Weapons Convention (CWC) and cooperation between State Office for Nuclear Safety (SONS) and Customs Administration on the Chemicals´ Transfers Identification“ took place on the 18 October as  a part of the CBRN training course organized by Customs Administration of the Czech Republic. Seminar was prepared by the Chemical and Biological Weapons Prohibition Division of SONS and supported by the Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons that sent lector for this seminar, namely Milos Kristof from Declarations Branch. 

Aims of this seminar were to introduce the CWC, give some practical information and tips that can help with identification of chemicals and to start close cooperation between SONS and Customs Administration.

42 customs officers from mobile groups participated this event. On the basis of their feedback, aims of the seminar were fulfilled.