Inspection Activities


The four-degree evaluation system is used in order to evaluate the inspection activities. This system was put into practice in 2003 (the Internal Regulation VDS 043 "Planning, preparation, execution and evaluation of inspections in radiation protection"). This system unified the practice of execution and evaluation of inspections within the whole Office as much as possible. Based on the experience and the most frequent failures, the following criteria were determined:

Degree 1

Only small defects were detected, failure to radiation protection requirements that do not impede safe performance of permitted activities resulting in exposure, without any further conditions.

Degree 2

Serious defects detected, the inspected person can, under certain (supplementary) conditions (of mode), proceed with activities resulting in exposure.

Degree 3

Defects detected that impede safe performance of activities resulting in exposure; some activity resulting in exposure must usually be limited or suspended until corrective measures are taken.

Degree N

Sufficient information is not available to evaluate the state; the inspection was not or could not be executed, or was not evaluated, e.g. due to insufficient background papers submitted by the inspected person, or termination of activities.

The inspection activities of the Regional Centers of the SÚJB are executed on the basis of the approved half-year plans drawn up in the individual Regional Centers, and are based on the following principles:

  • At least once in two years carry out inspection at all workplaces with significant sources used in the industry,
  • Give preference of the inspection of significant ionizing radiation sources to inspections of single sources in a planned way, particularly in the field of health service,
  • In the group of single sources, give priority to inspections at “problem” workplaces, where deficiencies may be expected,


In the group of natural sources, focus on the water suppliers assuring public water supply, and on the manufacturer of building materials.

The inspection activities are carried out through the combination of regional and specialized inspection system. In the field of natural sources, the inspection activities are carried out by the Exposure Management Department.

Regional inspections of the SÚJB areperformed by inspectors of individual Regional Centers (RC) of the SÚJB in the territory of region in compliance with approved inspection plans, and Specialized inspections carried out by Specialized Inspection Teams, whoseactivity is focused on specific types of ionizing radiation sources and their workplaces where it is required to reach a higher level of radiation protection practice integration in the whole territory of the state (e.g. nuclear medicine workplaces and workplaces with open radionuclide sources of 2nd and higher category, nuclear power, radiotherapy workplaces, etc.)

This system of inspections is supplemented with the Inspections carried out ad hoc by formed inspection teams, particularly for difficult inspections (in terms of expended time and their subject matter) at the workplaces of 3rd and 4th category.